Link Exchanges
If you are an online Furniture Retailer and would like to exchange links with Cypress Moon, place our link information (below) on your website and then contact us. After we confirm that you have our link on your site, we'll place your link on our site with 48 hrs. *PLEASE NOTE: We only exchange links with other sites within the Outdoor Furniture and Home & Garden Communities. Please do NOT contact us if you sell anything that does not fit within these categories. Also, NO 3-WAY LINKS! Please do not place our link on a website and ask us to link back to another website! Thank you for your understanding.
AFTER our link is on your site, email us with the following information:
• Site Name
• Site URL
• Site Description
• URL where our text link/banner is located
Our Link
html: <a href="">Porch Swings</a> - Cypress Moon sells handmade Porch Swings, Outdoor Gliders and Adirondack Chairs. Our famous porch swings are made in Louisiana and are shipped all over America!
title: Porch Swings
description: Cypress Moon sells handmade Porch Swings, Outdoor Gliders and Adirondack Chairs. Our famous porch swings are made in Louisiana and are shipped all over America!
*When finished, it should look like this:
Porch Swings - Cypress Moon sells handmade Porch Swings, Outdoor Gliders and Adirondack Chairs. Our famous porch swings are made in Louisiana and are shipped all over America!